Well, I arrived here on Wednesday, but there was no one to greet me! Tumble Tots they said, sounds like lots of fun. I waited in the delivery office for an age, swimming lessons they said, sounds tiring.

I was very happy to be let out and meet my new hosts, 5 and 2, they wanted to know my age, they talk about it a lot, but a gentlesloth never reveals such details!

I was whisked straight off to be shown the playroom, so much to see. I was soon back downstairs though, helping 5 with some hammer art.


Then I managed to avoid being splashed and had a lovely relaxing time with Baymax.


It was lovely to relax and watch Wreck It Ralph without any threat of water too!


On Friday, 5 and 2 took me around their local Sandy. I helped them choose sweets and stickers for Tyrese, some lovely bird stickers as they live near the RSPB, but as you can see, they didn’t quite have enough stamina to take me there, maybe next time.

Did you notice my dashing hat in that last picture?!


Well, it is cold at the moment!

I didn’t need it on in the library where I got to build with duplo and help 2 colour and have my portrait taken and then finally read!


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Hat back on for the park though, brrrrr!





Saturday was a snuggly day. I helped 5 with her maths then we checked out her cool, new scooter.



Then Sunday was very exciting. I met great friends of 5and 2, 4 and 1, we all went to see a concert together. 4 was pleased to meet me, honest!



I thoroughly enjoyed the concert. It was a whole orchestra, though some of the people looked strange. 5 and 2’s Mummy says they were monster costumes to match the theme. I had to give 2 lots of cuddles to get her comfortable with such a lot of instruments in one go, many more than you get at Music Train! It was good fun stretching and bending with the volume and listening out for specific instruments, a lovely way to end my time with 5 and 2.

Better get back in the box now, what will be next?

Kendal Sloth