
Hello!  My name is Kendal Sloth.  All of my friends were named after important people like mapmakers and explorers.  I was named after a sugary mint bar, but Mummy says that was because I am so sweet, and also Kendal Mint Cake is an essential piece of kit for travellers and adventurers everywhere that could even save lives of people in trouble – so maybe my name makes me a little bit important too…

Saxton Rabbit, Hudson Tiger and Ranulph P Bear are all going off on adventures to travel around the United Kingdom – the country where we all live together.  I think I would like to do that too.  It’s a bit of a scary thought to leave my lovely family behind – but just imagining all those new interesting places and lovely new people to meet makes me really want to go travelling too!

Mummy says she’ll make my box as comfy as she can.  I do like my sleep – sloths are pretty good at sleeping you know.  I’m still feeling a little bit shy about meeting new people, so Mummy has suggested that I could start the journey with some friends of ours, to help get me used to the idea.  That’s a good plan I think – Mummy is very caring like that.  So while Saxton, Hudson and Ranulph have all gone to the park and then the Post Office, I have stayed at home for a nap, because I was quite worn out with all the excitement of planning.  Then I will spend some time with Mummy and the boys on my own for some last cuddles before our friends come to pick me up.

I’m quite glad I’ll be staying in Hertfordshire for now – but I am looking forward to travelling a bit further too, in a day or so…